We've pretty much finished our school year except for math. I fully intend to write a review of the curriculum we used, but right now most of my free time is spent packing.
Bess is reading Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman. She received this for Christmas and loves it.
She's also rereading the Oz books. She never tires of these.
Max has hardly noticed that most of his toys are packed for the move. He's been playing with his Magformers he got for Christmas. They really are fun toys. Even the adults have fun building with them.
Bess, Max, and I have been watching A Place At The Table on Netflix.
It's an excellent documentary about food insecurity in this country. If only everyone would watch it. Bess immediately said we need to give food to a local food pantry, she was so touched by the stories. But she also understood that the problem must be solved by the government. We had some long discussions about our broken system. I told her the story of how I used to get free lunches in elementary school and how it was the most filling meal I would get all day. I'm still very grateful for the politicians who cared enough to fund that program. I want my children to grow up with empathy for those who are having a hard time putting food on the table and to understand that it could happen to anyone.
So that's what we've been up to.
Until Next Time!