Saturday, November 16, 2013

Our Curriculum 2013-2014

I thought I would post a short rundown of the curriculum we're using this year, and in the next few days follow with some reviews. We're far enough into the school year where I have a pretty clear idea of what homeschool purchases are working well for us. Overall, I'm really pleased. Every July I spend an inordinate amount of time driving my family, myself, and anyone who will listen completely crazy as I try to figure out what curriculum to buy. I decide, I second guess, I hyperventilate, change my mind half a dozen times, and then finally buy the books only to spend the ensuing days regretting the purchases. But this year my neuroses seem to have paid off. We've had a very productive couple of months. I think we've found just the right balance of history, literature, and workbooks. I'm only listing the books I bought, not the resources we already owned and are currently using. I'll focus on those in a later post.

Bess is 6 and in First Grade. She is learning with:

Sonlight Core A with Grade 2 Readers(We are not using the Bible or Language Arts portion, just the History, Read-alouds, and Readers schedule.)

Horizons Math 1 


Zaner-Bloser Spelling Grade 1

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Grade 1

Evan-Moor Daily 6-Trait Writing Grade 1

Noeo Biology 1

Language Smarts B from The Critical Thinking Company

Building Thinking Skills Primary from The Critical Thinking Company

Artistic Pursuits Book 1

Max is 5 and in kindergarten. He has a pretty laid-back schedule. He has Asperger's, and can become easily overwhelmed, so we do school when he's ready to do it. He is learning with:

Mathematical Reasoning A from The Critical Thinking Company

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting K

Evan-Moor Everyday Literacy Science

And Max is sitting in on Artistic Pursuits and about half of Sonlight Core A.

And that's about it. Reviews and a post on how to make Sonlight Core A secular coming soon!

I hope everyone is having a great school year! 

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