Friday, July 18, 2014

This Week

We've been on a break for a couple of weeks as we get ready for the new school year. Since we homeschool year round, it won't be a major change for us except we'll be using quite a few new materials. Bess and Max are pretty excited about the boxes of new books arriving. They're stalking the mailman every day.

We are reading together: Lenny and Mel, Lenny and Mel's Summer Vacation, and Lenny and Mel After-School Confidential All of them are really funny. They were favorites of my older kids, and it's fun to reread them with Max and Bess.

Bess is reading: The Geronimo Stilton Series I,Tut:The Boy Who Became Pharaoh, and Pippi Longstocking.

Max is enjoying: The Legos Ideas Book and Calvin and Hobbes.

I'm rereading: Better Than School and Teach Your Own. I always find it helpful for me to start the school year by reminding myself why we homeschool. Both these homeschool classics do just that.

We're watching: Pororo the Little Penguin in Korean. Since Bess is beginning Korean this year, I thought it would be a fun introduction to the language as we wait for her curriculum to arrive.

I'm watching: Fated to Love You(Korean Version) with Ethan, and impatiently waiting for the new episodes to be released. It's such a fun show!

We've had beautiful weather this week, cool and almost mosquito-free, which is so unusual for our part of the mid-west during summer. We've been spending most of our days outdoors with friends. Once the heat and humidity return, we'll be stuck inside again. But for now, we're enjoying running through the sprinkler, going to the park, and hiking in the woods.

Until Next Time!


  1. Hi!
    I love your blog.
    I'm starting my first full year of homeschooling my 6 year old first grade girl. I just got my BookShark Reading with History and Science curriculum! Looking forward to reading more about your homeschooling experiences :)
    Is there a way to follow your blog by email?

    Nicole in CO

    1. Sorry it took me so long to answer, Nicole. I've been on a bit of an online break for a few days. Thanks for the question! I didn't even realize I hadn't added the follow by email gadget. So thanks! I've added it to the top right. And I'm really glad you will be following. :)
